Lambourne Refrigeration & Air Conditioning is passionate about protecting the environment. We’re accredited by a number of international agencies for our eco-friendly air conditioning services and equipment, which not only provide our customers with significant energy savings but also help to safeguard the environment now and for future generations.
In 2009, legislation surrounding the use of F gases was established, controlling their release. These gases can only be handled by REFCOM (Register of Companies Competent to Handle Refrigerants) accredited contractors. Contractors who belong to REFCOM are required to work to strict standards when handling the gases, minimising potential environmental damage. When clients employ air conditioning providers who belong to REFCOM, they can be assured that their own impact on the environment is minimised. Lambourne Refrigeration & Air Conditioning is accredited by REFCOM.
ISO14001 Environmental Standard
Lambourne Refrigeration & Air Conditioning is recognised by the ISO14001 standard for the steps we take to protect the environment. We responsibly dispose of old parts, failed components and equipment packaging from new installations. Each of our vehicles is tracked electronically and routes are planned in advance, ensuring that the vehicles are driven responsibly and efficiently. Wherever possible, we will recycle, retain and re-use parts and refrigerants. If not, we’ll dispose of these items via the most environmentally-friendly means.
Ozone and Eco-Friendly
Air conditioning systems that are more than ten years old will typically contain R22 refrigerant. R22 is now banned for use in new air conditioning systems within the EU due to its ozone-depleting qualities. Legally, systems that use R22 will become unserviceable at the end of 2014. Recycled sources of the refrigerant, plus spare components for R22 systems are no longer widely available, making them increasingly expensive. Click here for more information about R22 refrigerants.
The modern and eco-friendly air conditioning systems that we supply and install can provide energy savings of up to 40% – often paying for themselves within just a few years. Lambourne Refrigeration & Air Conditioning use ozone and environmentally-friendly refrigerants, work to identify obsolete equipment and recommending replacement eco-friendly equipment. All of the new systems that we supply and install use only ozone-friendly refrigerants.
Energy-Saving Equipment
We select only the latest eco-friendly air conditioning equipment, controlled by inverter technology. Inverter-controlled equipment enables components within the system, such as fan motors and compressors, to progressively increase in speed when heating and cooling demands are low or variable. This technology can provide energy savings of up to 40% when compared with older fixed-speed systems, whilst also minimising vibration and noise.
Cooling and Heating
The modern systems that Lambourne Refrigeration & Air Conditioning supplies provide a range of benefits, including heating, air filtration and humidity control – not just cooling. The vast majority of the systems that we install incorporate heat pumps. This technology works by enabling the cooling cycle to effectively operate “in reverse” to harvest heat energy from the external air. This air-to-air heating, without the use of gas burners or electrical elements, is extremely energy-efficient and reliable. Owners can expect some significant energy savings, as these systems will provide over 3kW of heat energy for every 1kW of electrical energy used. Not only that, but carbon emissions and energy costs could also be reduced by approximately 50%. Having just one system for cooling and heating will also help to reduce maintenance costs.
Climate Change
A vast amount of evidence indicates that our climate is being dramatically affected by carbon emissions – emissions that occur every time we fly, drive or switch on an electrical device. Lambourne Refrigeration & Air Conditioning will supplies only eco-friendly air conditioning equipment from some of the world’s leading air conditioning manufacturers. To minimise and reduce your carbon footprint and energy bills, we provide highly efficient, environmentally and ozone-friendly equipment. Replacing your old equipment with energy-efficient alternatives will also allow you to offset the costs of the replacement against your taxable profits via the Enhanced Capital Allowances Scheme.
Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
Any air conditioning system that has a capacity of over 12kW should be inspected once every five years, in accordance with the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. This directive was established to ensure that air conditioning systems are sized correctly and operate, efficiently and reliably. Working with a network of inspection partners nationwide, Andrews Air Conditioning can arrange for these inspections to be completed as well as offer advice on when these inspections should occur.